Monday, September 23, 2013

Week 2 Nature of Literacy and Teaching for All

Assignment#1: Write a short reflection on your understanding of the ELA instruction and post it on your blog.
·       Goal of ELA is to ensure that all students are college and career ready in literacy.
·       ELA is based on the Common Core Standards.
·       ELA instruction is broken up into five key components: reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language. Each of these components there are certain goals for students to meet.
·       ELA provides students, parents, and educators with a clear-cut outline and guidelines of what is expected for each grade for students and teachers.
·       ELA helps students develop and use their skills, knowledge, and ideas and apply them in their everyday life. 
·       ELA will help students develop the skills they need to become successful in school and successful in life.

Assignment#2 Write a brief reflection on what you learned from the video and post it on your blog.

I learned some very important things from this short video clip. First, I noticed how important “repetition” is while teaching your students. The video began with the children singing along a “good morning” song both in English and Spanish. I think this is a great way for students to learn. Every morning they sing this song, learning a different language in a fun way. I always found it easy to remember things when it was linked to a “jingle” or a saying. The video also showed how important building a foundation is. Ms. Owen’s classroom is built from a constant routine that is pretty much followed the same everyday. They have four reading activities that are used: read aloud, shared reading, guided reading, and independent reading. I think this is an excellent way to ensure that every child’s reading needs are met also it challenges them as well. As we know all students are different and are not all on the same reading level. This routine allows all students to read and receive the help they need to eventually reach their goal, to become independent readers. I think Ms. Owens has some great ideas and ways in teaching her students. She first reads books that are far too hard for them to read on their own. Then she takes a step back each time, allowing them to do a little more on their own. I think this is a great way for students to learn how to read. They first build their foundation then begin to build on top of that, but still returning to the foundation each day to make it solid. Eventually these steps will lead to the main goal, of each student being able to read independently. I think that repetition is very important when learning how to read or learning how to do anything. “The more you do it the better you will become at it.”

Assignment#3 Critique on the sample lesson plan on your blog.

This is a great lesson that assists each of the five components of ELA instruction. This lesson allows the students to use what they have read and apply it in a creative and exciting way. It is a perfect exercise for students to build their skills and what they have learned and apply them into their own work. This is what success is all about…critically thinking and applying your skills and knowledge to become successful.

Friday, September 13, 2013


Hi everyone! My name is Nikki Jo, but most people call me JoJo for short. Last year was my final season playing college basketball. I transferred to NYIT from St. Johns University. I’m currently working two different jobs in Rome, NY. I work part time at a grocery store called Aldi’s and tend bar at a restaurant called “Legends” at night. I’m also working with the LeMoyne Women’s basketball team this season as well. I would love to be a D1 women’s basketball coach someday. I had to post a joke in my other introduction for my other class and thought it was a good idea so I am posting it here as well: “A kindergarten teacher handed out a coloring page to her class. On it was a picture of a duck holding an umbrella. The teacher told her class to color the duck in yellow and the umbrella green, however, Bobby, the class rebel, colored the duck in a bright fire truck red. After seeing this, the teacher asked him: "Bobby, how many times have you see a red duck?" Young Bobby replied with "The same number of times I've seen a duck holding an umbrella." It’s a fun witty joke. I am currently not a teacher yet, and unsure of what grade I would like to teach. I think after I do my student teaching I will hopefully have a better idea what grade I would like to teach. This is my third semester in the Childhood Education program here at NYIT. I don’t know too much about teaching new literacies. My main concern about this course is keeping up with the workload and working two jobs at the same time.