Sunday, October 6, 2013

Week 3 Driven Instruction I

Shared Reading: Video Segment 

  • How does this activity engage students who are at different levels of literacy development?
This activity allows students to read the poem out loud with the teacher and the other students. This activity allows all students who are at different levels to all participate throughout the reading of the poem. It also allows students to practice reading and sounding out vowels with different consonants in front of them. This systematic practice allows students of all levels of literacy become more familiar with vowels and their sounds.
  • During her explicit phonics lesson, how does Ms. Perez support students' problem-solving skills?
Ms. Perez supports her students’ problem-solving skills by guiding them. Instead of telling them the correct way of pronouncing the word, she GUIDES them to pronouncing the word correctly. She is there for support, but doesn’t tell them the correct answer. She allows the students to achieve the goal on their own.

  • Based on what you saw in the video, what are the different ways that shared reading can be used to promote literacy?
Shared reading allows all the students to practice their skills together. It allows the students to listen and learn from one another. Shared reading allows the teacher to guide each student instead of giving them the answer. It allows the teacher to be there if needed. 
  • Why does she think it's important for students to verbalize their strategies? What else do you notice about how she helps students build meaning in text?
Ms. Perez thinks it is important for students to verbalize their strategies because the more you verbalize the more you internalize. Then students start to verbalize the strategies they use.  Ms. Perez also helps students build meaning in texts by covering up certain words in a sentence and asking them what the word could be.  This allows the students to recognize what words make sense in a sentence and what words do not. 

  • How does Ms. Perez organize her classroom to support a wide range of learners?
Ms. Perez organizes her classroom to support a wide range of learners by grouping learners that are on the same level. She gives each group an assignment or activity to work on. Every student is practicing and working on what skills and abilities they need practice on. This is a great way to challenge all the students at the same time.
  • How are reading and writing connected in classroom activities?
Reading and writing are connected in the classroom activities by the students reading aloud together…learning to recognize words and reading alone. They make sense of what they are reading and then connect what they are reading to their own stories.

  • How does Ms. Perez use ongoing individual assessment to guide her instruction? How can the class profile be used to help group students and differentiate instruction?
Ms. Perez uses on going assessment to guide her instruction by how she groups the students together based on what level they are on. She groups students that are on the same level together so they can practice and be challenged at the same time from one another. The class profile can be used to help group students and differentiate instruction by allowing students that are on the same level to continue to learn and be challenged at the same time. Students that are behind can continue to practice and work on what skills and abilities they lack…at the same time students that are ahead can be challenged.
  • How can ongoing assessment be integrated into your own classroom practice?
On going assessment can be integrated into my own classroom practice by me assessing each student in the beginning, middle, and the end of the year. These assessments will allow me to know what progress each student is making throughout the year. It will allow me to make the adjustments that are needed for each individual student.

Assignment #2

Informal assessment is a very important tool to use in your classroom. Children all learn differently from one another. They all enter your classroom at different levels. Assessments will help teachers know what level each student is on when they enter your classrooms. Assessments will also allow you to know what students are struggling with and what they know. This will allow teachers to know when they can move on or they should continue to practice on a certain area. Assessments will allow teachers to help and challenge each student on their individual needs.

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