Monday, November 11, 2013

Week 9 Comprehension: Teaching Procedures

Assignment #1 
1). How might small-group literature discussion groups fit into an overall literacy program, designed to help students experience the pleasures of becoming effective readers of literature? 

Small-group literature discussion groups fit into an overall literacy program in many different ways. Small-group literature discussion groups allow each student to interact with one another and the teacher. Each student can share their views and responses of the story they are reading/discussing. They can also ask questions if they do not understand a chapter or if they forgot a part of the story. They can independently read and then discuss their views to the group. The small-groups are a good way for the students to interact and learn from one another. Mr. Thompson allows the students to choose what book and group they would like to be a part of. I think this is a great way for the students to really become engaged in the discussion. Mr. Thompson also discusses real-world situations and experiences that the students can relate to and compare to the story they are reading. 

2.) How does informal assessment such as that demonstrated by Mr. Thompson help a teacher design effective lessons? 

Informal assessment can help teachers assess students while they are participating throughout the lesson. Throughout the lesson students are asked questions about the chapter they read. They were assessed based on their discussions. Mr. Thompson assessed them throughout the lesson without giving them a formal assessment. This allowed Mr. Thompson to understand and know where each student was and what they needed help on.

3.) What ideas from the video would you like to try in your own classroom? 

I liked the fact that Mr. Thompson asked the students real-world experiences and how they related to the chapter they were reading. The entire small-group is a great idea that I would like to try in my classroom one day. I think that small-groups will have a positive impact on students comprehending a story and sharing their thoughts of the story as well.  

Assignment #2 

1.What are some ways this teacher helps students cope with the complexities of a new literary text? 

Mr. Hoonan helps his student cope with the complexities of a new literary text in a few different ways. He has group discussions about the books that the students are reading. The students use the “post it strategy” in their “student demonstrations” during the group discussions. A student is called to share their book and explain what they marked with post-its and why. This is a great strategy for the students and the teacher as well. The students get it discuss what the book is about and why they marked a certain page. At this same time Mr. Hoonan is listing and recording what they students are struggling with or what they found interesting about the book. It is a great way for all the students to see the different parts and complexities that go into reading a new book. One of the classrooms I’m observing this semester uses a similar technique as Mr. Hoonan. They use post-its to mark the pages that show them evidence in answering questions that go along with the book. For example, the teacher asks a question about the book, a student answers and they mark the proof of that answer in the book with a post-it. 

2.As viewers, did you think the use of students to present mini-lessons to the class was an effective strategy? Why or why not? 

Yes, I think the mini-lessons gets the students more engaged and interest throughout the lesson. They are more into the discussion when they are speaking about their post-its and why they picked them. It is also a great way for students to go back into the book and remember why they marked that page. I think that it is a great way to keep the students motivated and engaged.

3.Mr. Hoonan talks about the importance of considering context when assessing student performance, mentioning the example of allowing a normally quiet student an extended opportunity to share his views during the discussion. What examples of this can you share from your own classroom? 

I think that this is very important that students who are normally quiet need an extended opportunity to share their views during discussion. From observing I noticed that the students that are normally quiet are the students that get extra help from the AIS reading teacher.  An AIS reading teacher pushes into the class room where I am observing. I noticed that the students that she works with are usually the quietest ones of the entire class when we are reading or discussing the book. The teacher calls on them frequently and allows them to answer in the amount of time they need. I think this is a great way to get everyone involved and allows the teacher to understand what level each student is on. 

4.What ideas from the video would you like to try in your own classroom? 

I like the ideas of post-its and group discussion. I think that getting everyone involved allows the students to learn from their peers instead of just from the teacher. I think it makes lessons more fun and exciting. To get another view point from your peers is always a positive strategy. 

Assignment #3 


  1. Using graphic organizer or story map would enhance their comprehension. :)

  2. Assignment#1 and #2 were supposed to post on the BB forum. :P
